Known as blood turnips, garden beets or red beets, beets are low in sodium and fat and offer 37 calories per 1/2 cup. In addition, beets contain nutrients that promote good health.
From the Middle Ages, beetroot was used as a treatment for a variety of conditions, especially illnesses relating to digestion and the blood. Beets contain betaines which may function to reduce the concentration of High circulating levels of homocysteine which may be harmful to blood vessels and thus contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease.
Beet’s, particularly when consumed as a juice have numerous health benefits. In this post from JoanLunden.com, she talks about the 9 of the health benefits of drinking beet juice:
“9 Health Benefits Of Drinking Beet Juice
For many years, beets have been used generally for their leaves. However, beetroots have become a popular food in many places being used as culinary. Apart from eating beets, drinking the juice has a whole lot of benefits which you should consider and enjoy as well. Beet juice is always great considering that it can easily be absorbed into your body system.
Beet nutritional information
Before discussing the health benefits, it will be good to point out that beets are rich in minerals, vitamins, dietary fiber and antioxidants. They are also a good source of folate, vitamin C, betaine, manganese, potassium iron, calcium, copper and vitamin B6.
With this in mind, here are 9 health benefits that you get when you drink beet juice.
1. Improved blood flow
Beet juice has a high concentration of natural chemicals known as nitrate. Through a chain reaction, these compounds are changed into nitric oxide which helps in the circulation of blood in terms of flow. As such, every part of your body including the brain can enjoy optimal blood circulation which means more oxygen is distributed to the body.
2. Lowers blood pressure
Due to the high nitrate content found in nitrate, drinking the juice is also known to lower blood pressure considerably. Through the chain reaction, the nitrate is changed intp nitrate before being turned into nitric oxide gas. This gas helps in blood vessel dilation thus improving the flow of blood and as such lowers the blood pressure.
3. Boosts Stamina
Taking a glass of beet juice every day could greatly help in boosting your stamina. The same nitrate when converted into nitric oxide helps lower the uptake of oxygen during exercises and physical activities thus making them less exhaustive. Regular use of beet juice will greatly help you face the day with greater energy and workout longer.
4. It detoxifies the liver
Beetroots contain betaine which boosts the functionality of the liver in a great way. Considering it’s the main filtration system in the body, the liver can be weighed down by toxins resulting in liver disease. As such, taking beetroot juice will go a long way in preventing against such a scenario since beets are packed with antioxidants, B vitamins, calcium, iron and betaine.”
In preliminary research, beetroot juice reduced blood pressure in hypertensive animals[ and so may have an effect on mechanisms of cardiovascular disease. Tentative evidence has found that dietary nitrate supplementation such as from beets and other vegetables results in a small to moderate improvement in endurance exercise performance. T
To finish reading the remaining benefits of drinking beetroot juice, you can go over and finish reading the article on JoanLuden.com
Photo By james_shelton32