Juicing used to be the buzz in the natural health community as the ultimate heath protocol. But, with the recent popularity of the Green Smoothie’s popularized by recent television infomercial’s, smoothie’s may just be the new ultimate health hack.
If you aren’t exactly familiar with smoothies, simply put smoothies are like a salad in liquid form. It combines a mixture of greens, vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, and other healthy ingredients combined together and blended with a special high speed blender to make a smoothie pleasant texture. Ultimately, this makes a nutritional powerhouse of a drink.
They have even become so popular you can find not only smoothie stations in most natural health stores but also a number of stand alone smoothie franchise shops have been popping up everywhere. (healthy one’s that is, not smoothie king.)
So, this begs the question the, just exactly what are the benefits of a green smoothie? Well, our friends over at davyandtracy.com have published recent posting discussing the top 20 benefits of drinking a green smoothie.
“Top 20 Green Smoothie Health Benefits
I have enjoyed many health benefits from drinking green smoothies since 2008.So have the thousands of green smoothie cleanse subscribers and millions of readers on my website.
They are an easy way to get five or more servings of fruits and vegetables every day.
Green smoothies were instrumental in my 40 pound weight loss, and they helped me lose all of my baby weight after I have birth to my son in 2013.
Since drinking a green smoothie every day, my cholesterol dropped 45 points, my energy levels are through the roof, and my skin has a healthy, radiant glow.
Here are some of the top health benefits of green smoothies:
1) Natural Weight Loss
Just about everyone who drinks green smoothies loses weight. Most people in my 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse report weight loss, as well as participants in my Reset 28 Program.
Green smoothies help you lose weight in several ways:
First, replacing a meal each day with a green smoothie lowers overall calorie intake, while increasing fruit, vegetable, and fiber intake.
Secondly, green smoothies help reset your taste buds so that you want to eat healthy, and you actually start craving healthy foods.
Read more about how to lose weight with green smoothies.
2) Boost Fruit & Vegetable Intake (Particularly Greens)
The American Cancer Society recommends that we eat 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables each day to prevent cancer and other diseases. Green smoothies are a quick and convenient way to get your vegetables and dark, leafy greens without tasting them.
The fruit masks the flavor so even though all you taste is pineapple, mango, banana or strawberry, you are consuming a healthy dose of spinach, kale, or any other vegetable that you put in.
The average green smoothie contains 3-5 servings (or more) of fruits and vegetables.
3) Increased Energy
Green smoothies provide a powerful boost of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients without bogging down your digestive system. Since you are eating natural, whole foods in the most optimum form for your digestion and nutrient absorption, you will have more energy to get things done and enjoy your day.
Green smoothies provide B vitamins and magnesium that help support energy metabolism.
4) Boosts Nutrition
Green smoothies are jam-packed full of nutrients.
The average green smoothie recipe on my website provides more than 100% of your daily value of vitamins A (as beta-carotene), C, and K. They also provide a good source of B vitamins (except B12), vitamin E, and folate.
As for minerals, green smoothies are an excellent source of calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, copper, and many other trace minerals.
Blending fruits and vegetables together breaks down the cells of plants and improves digestibility. Your blender unlocks the nutrients and maximizes their delivery to your body more than chewing any salad could.
Green smoothies are quicker and more convenient than preparing and thoroughly chewing a salad.
5) Strengthens Immune System
Increased fruit and vegetable consumption helps keep your body in optimum health. Vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, as well as some of the compounds found in certain foods help protect your body against disease.
Citrus fruits, cranberries, and ginger are the top immune-boosting smoothie ingredients.
Got a sniffle? Try these cold and flu green smoothie recipes!
6) Excellent Source Of Minerals For Healthy Bones
Green smoothies provide a rich source of minerals thanks to the dark, leafy greens. All of the bone-building nutrients are abundant including calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus.
Many of my green smoothie recipes on this website contain more than 200 milligrams of calcium, and many have more calcium than a glass of milk.
Here’s a green smoothie recipe with almost 30% RDA of calcium!
7) Excellent Source of Antioxidants
Green smoothies deliver a massive dose of health-protecting antioxidants and phytonutrients. Not only are you giving your body the best defenses aganst disease, you are ingesting a variety of natural substances that are essential for optimum health and fitness.
To get the most antioxidants in your blends, try making your green smoothies with blueberries, strawberries, cranberries, pomegranates, acai, and cacao (raw chocolate).
8) May Help Lower High Cholesterol
A healthy, plant-based diet that includes green smoothies may help lower your cholesterol.
When I was 23, my doctor told me that I would soon need to take cholesterol-lowering medication. My blood test revealed that my total cholesterol was at 199 (200 or higher is considered elevated). My LDL (the bad cholesterol) was flagged as “high”. I was falling in line with my family history of high cholesterol.
At age 30, my total cholesterol had dropped 45 points. My LDL had also fallen comfortably within the normal range.”
As you can see there are a plethora of benefits of smoothies and if you are struggling with health issues like arthritis or something else that doctors can’t do anything about, then committing to a smoothie diet might be the trick to getting the body the nutrient’s it needs to naturally heal itself. Of course, always check with your health professional regarding in diet program change such as this.
And, believe it or not, while it may not sound good, you would be surprised and how tasty a green smoothie can be.
To get more of the amazing health benefits of drinking these green based smoothies, you can finish reading the post over at www.davyandracycom
Photo By VitamixCorporation