You may have heard of someone complaining about a bunion before, but do you actually know what it is?
A bunion is a bony bump that forms on the joint at the base of your big toe. It forms when your big toe pushes against your next toe, forcing the joint of your big toe to get bigger and stick out. The skin over the bunion might be red and sore.
Wearing tight, narrow shoes might cause bunions or make them worse. Bunions also can develop as a result of an inherited structural defect, stress on your foot or a medical condition, such as arthritis.
There are many theories about how bunions develop, but the exact cause is unknown. However, should you ever develop one, there is a good homeopathic remedy you can try.
In this post the Dr. Homeo website, he goes over a simple homeopathic solution to this problem:
“Homeopathic Remedies For BunionIf it hurts when walkingand there’s a swelling on the great toe of feet, it could mean a bunion formation. Bunion refers to a medical condition affecting the great toe of feet with three major features. There is enlargement of joint of the big toe (joint between the big toe and the feet) that appears as a bump on the base of great toe on the outer side. The second feature is inflammation and thickening of the bursa around the great toe. Bursa is a cavity around the joint containing synovial fluid that helps to reduce friction of bone between other structures like ligaments, muscles and tendons. The third important feature is displacement or tilting of the affected great toe towards other toes of feet of the same side. Hallux Valgus is a term used for bunion deformity. The causes linked with bunion formation include wearing of tight shoes or pointed shoes, arthritis, genetic anomaly and familial tendency towards bunion formation. The main symptoms are pain on walking or otherwise, swelling or redness of area over the affected great toe, and in a few cases, fluid-filled eruptions on the skin of great toe. Homeopathy provides a complete cure for Bunion. The Homeopathic remedies for bunion are made of natural substances, are totally safe and have zero side effects.
Homeopathic Treatment for Bunion
Homeopathic treatment for Bunion can provide complete cure for Bunions . With the help of natural Homeopathic remedies, the pain and swelling around the big toe is reduced, followed by complete cure of the bunion. The Homeopathic medicines are selected on the basis of characteristic symptoms described by each individual.
Top Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Bunion
Benzoic Acid: Best Homeopathic medicine for bunion with acute swelling and pain
Natural Homeopathic medicine Benzoic Acid is the top remedy for treating bunions with acute swelling and pain. The person has marked swelling and redness over the big toe, with severe pain. The pain can be varying in character like stitching pain or tearing pain. The pain and swelling getreduced very quickly with the use of Benzoic Acid. This Homeopathic medicine is also of great help when most of the times, the pain in the great toe gets worse at night.”
Depending on how symptom prevent themselves, there are different homeopathic solutions. So, if blisters are present, there is severe pain, or if there is swelling the the area then different remedies may need to be applied.”
Of course prevention is always the first line of treatment. And while most people don’t give a second thought to getting a bunion. The simplest thing you can do to avoid developing these is simply a shoe with a wide toe box and no room between the end of your toe and the shoe. Also, Your shoes should conform to the shape of your feet without squeezing or pressing any part of your foot.
For the exact homeopathic remedies for the different symptoms of bunions, refer back to the post over on www.drhomeo.com
Photo By PawelIwaniak
Photo By sonaughty47129