Parkinson’s is one of the most debilitating decease’s one can get and one with little medical treatment options. Many people recently have turned to medical marijuana to treat the symptoms with much success.
But, for many of us, this is not an option. Diseases like this, most times is about controlling the symptoms than finding a cure. That’s why if diagnosed, one should try every option out there because you just never know.
One little thought of option many time is homeopathy. In this recent post from the Dr Homeo website he discusses Parkinson’s and the homeopathic options for treatment:
“Homeopathic Remedies For Parkinson’s Disease
Muhammad Ali is probably the all-time greats of boxing, but his battle with Parkinson’s Disease has been no less extraordinary. The champion boxer was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease at the age of 42, and his brain injury may have been caused by the repeated blows to the head. In the majority of cases, however, there is no known reason for the appearance of Parkinson’s Disease. A disorder of the nervous system, it affects movement. Parkinson’s Disease manifests itself gradually, at times with a tremor in a hand that may even go unnoticed. The symptoms are usually stiffness or slowing of movement, with a slurred speech, and the condition worsens over time. There is no cure for Parkinson’s Disease as such, but the Homeopathic mode of treatment can bring about improvement in the symptoms. The Homeopathic Remedies for Parkinson’s are made of natural substances and are completely safe, with no side effects.
Top Homeopathic Remedies for Parkinson’s Disease
Causticum: Best Homeopathic medicine for Parkinson’s Disease with excessive rigidity
Causticum is the top natural Homeopathic medicine for treating Parkinson’s Disease. It is ideal for patients with excessive rigidity. The muscles get hardened, leading to extreme body stiffness. The muscles of lower limbs and back are very rigid too. Such patients have great difficulty in maintaining balance while walking. They walk slowly but have a tendency to fall easily. Another marked feature for the use of Homeopathic medicine Causticum in patients of Parkinson’s Disease is great difficulty in getting up from a sitting or lying position. The patient may also experience pain in the limbs and get relief from warm applications. The trembling of hands is a very dominant symptom.
Gelsemium Sempervirens: Homeopathic remedy for Parkinson’s Disease with shaking of hands
Homeopathic remedy Gelsemium Sempervirens can be considered as the top natural treatment for Parkinson’s Disease. It shows wonderful effects in treating diseases of nervous origin. Homeopathic medicine Gelsemium Sempervirens is of great help for nervous and sensitive patients who get excited very easily from a sudden fear or emotions. The patients experience vigorous shaking of hands or the shaking of legs or tongue. This shaking is accompanied by excessive weakness and the condition gets worse by sudden mental excitement. The patient always feels tired, dull and drowsy. The coordination of muscles is diminished and the muscles do not work according to the person’s will. Such persons exhibit difficulty in maintaining balance while walking and the gait is very sluggish. Homeopathic medicine Gelsemium Sempervirensis also very beneficial for patients who complain of slurring of speech. The patient has no yearning for water.
Plumbum Metallicum: Homeopathic medicine for Parkinson’s Disease with slowness in movement
Plumbum Metallicum is a very beneficial natural Homeopathic medicine for patients of Parkinson’s Disease with marked Bradykinesia or slowness in movement. In such patients, the body muscles work at a very slow pace and in a very sluggish manner. The patient does all the work at a very slow speed. The slowness is always accompanied by wasting or emaciation of the affected muscles. Slowness is also noted in the mind. The ability to perceive slows down and the comprehension power and memory of the affected person also get weak. There is instability while walking, leading to tottering. The hands too start trembling. The hands remain cold with trembling and withering of hand muscles. The face also gives a blank look, lacking expression.”
Ideally when treating yourself with natural remedies, you will want to work with a homeopathic or nauturapathic professional to help guide you in the process. The internet is a great resource to find practitioners who do online consulting for natural health options such as homeopathy.
In the reamaining post, Dr. Homeo goes over more homeopathic remedies for controlling specific symptoms of Parkinsons’s. Read all about those in the rest of the post at: www.drhomeo.com
Photo By djbmx