Good health can be a challenge in today’s world where there are very few options to receive treatment from a natural or integrative doctor.
Because of this, sometimes when we are having health issues, we feel like we have no other choice but to turn to medication to alleviate our symptoms. In fact, if you see a regular MD, they can many times guilt you into taking a drug you really don’t want to take.
Unfortunately, sometimes medication may be the only answer. And educating ourselves is the best thing we can do. Should you find yourself needing medication, this article from Natural Solutions Magazine has compiled a brief list of some of the worst drugs to watch out for:
“List Of Pharmaceutical Drugs That Can Damage Your Health
Even though we use them to treat certain diseases and alleviate pain, some types of pharmaceutical drugs can damage our overall health
Medications are drugs integrated into a pharmaceutical form and used to prevent, alleviate, treat, or improve the health status of sick people.
However, in recent years, the accent is that besides benefiting in certain aspects, chemically created drugs also have harmful effects on the human health.
All medications have side effects. That’s why pharmaceutical companies put guides and instructions for use in the packaging, to ensure the patient’s safety. But, there are minor and there are severe side effects. Also, they range from allergic reactions, to organ failure, and even death.
That’s why it’s always best to consult your doctor before deciding to take over-the-counter medications. And, to always try natural remedies before prescribed drugs.
But, when it turns out that you have to take medications, then it’s best for you to get familiar with the possible risks and consequences.
Today, we show you a list of pharmaceutical drugs that you must take with precaution.
Pharmaceutical Drugs That Can Damage Your Health
Antibiotics are medications that fight infections caused by bacteria. The problem with these drugs is that they don’t only destroy the bacteria that damage our body, but also those that are beneficial to our health.
In addition, they have a negative impact on our kidneys, and you may experience problems urinating.
The most important thing for you to remember is to never self-medicate with antibiotics. You should take these drugs only when your doctor tells you to.
As the suggests, these drugs are used to treat depression. However, according to recent studies, long-term use of antidepressants can destroy the connections between the cells in the brain. After the patient stops taking these drugs, the connections don’t grow back.
In addition, antidepressants can cause an addiction.
Immunosuppressive Drugs
Recent research shows that immunosuppressive agents can affect your oral health. They have been linked to discoloration of the soft tissue in the mouth, oral sores, and inflammation.
In addition, these drugs are also known to cause gingival overgrowth, or enlarged gum tissue.”
One drug that didn’t make their list that you definitely want to proceed with caution is benzodiazepines. These are anti-anxiety drugs like Valium or Xanax. Some side effects include slow heartbeat and trouble breathing. But, these in particular are bad because they actually can cause anxiety and can put you in a perpetual loop of anxiety that is difficult to get out of.
There are several more drugs you will want to look out for. You can read the rest of them in the post on Natural Solutions Magazine.
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