CBD oil is one of the newest trends in the health supplement business. And unfortunately, there are a lot of misconceptions about it. Many people don’t even know that it is legal in all 50 states.
When some thins of CBD, marijuana is the first thing that comes to mind. But what many don’t know is that CBD is also one of the main compounds that exist in the hemp plant.
So what’s the difference in the hemp plant and marijuana? Hemp refers to strains of Cannabis sativa plant that have been bred specifically for industrial purposes which is low in THC and high in CBD. While marijuana is a strain of Cannabis sativa specifically bred for the potent resinous glands (trichomes) that grow on the flowers and some leaves (buds) that is high in the psychoactive compound THC.
So, if CBD doesn’t get you high, what exactly is it good for when used as a supplement? In this post from the Wellness Mama blog, she goes over 11 of the many benefits of CBD oil as well as clearing up other misinformation:
“11 Benefits of CBD Oil (Cannabidiol) & Why It’s Not What You Think
Katie – Wellness Mama 46 Comments Updated: February 3, 2018 This
I love remedies that have many uses (like emu oil), and cannabidiol oil (or CBD or hemp oil) is gaining popularity for this reason. This oil extracted from the hemp plant has come under a lot of legal and moral questions. Opinions may differ but what can’t be ignored is the incredible healing power CBD oil seems to possess and how versatile it is as a supplement and natural remedy.CBD Hemp Oil: What Does It Do?
CBD oil claims many benefits that seem to include every imaginable ailment. It’s a good idea to look a little deeper whenever something seems to be a cure-all … so I dug in.
Surprisingly, research shows that CBD oil is actually helpful at reducing many ailments. Such diverse ailments that they seem to be unrelated, in fact … but they are not. Emerging research shows that each of these ailments may be related to dysregulation of the endocannabinoid system, or ECS for short.
Haven’t heard of it? You’re not alone! It’s not as familiar to us as the cardiovascular or immune system, but is a critical component of health.
Understanding the Endocannabinoid System
The endocannabinoid system is possibly one of the most fascinating systems in the body. It was discovered through researching the effects of cannabis on the body. In fact, this amazing system that regulates the body’s internal balance got its name from the cannabis plant that made its discovery possible.
The endocannabinoid system is made up of endocannabinoids and their receptors. These are found everywhere in the body from the brain and other organs to glands and immune cells. The endocannabinoid system works differently in different parts of the body but the end goal is homeostasis (internal balance).
Ever heard of a “runner’s high”? Research reported in the Scientific American found endocannabinoids are largely responsible for this natural “hit” of euphoria that increases feelings of well-being and decreases the perception of pain.
Cannabidiol (CBD oil) is another way to affect this powerful body system … but am I really saying “getting high” is a good thing?
It turns out there’s a very important distinction still to be made …
Does CBD Oil Create a High?
The short answer is: No.
CBD oil does not contain THC (the compound that causes a “high” feeling). This is an important distinction that many people don’t understand.
There are a variety of strains of the cannabis plant, and one of those strains is marijuana, which does contain THC. The strain that is typically (and legally) used to make CBD oil is hemp. How hemp oil different? A plant can only be legally considered hemp if it contains .3% per dry unit (or less) of the compound THC.
In a nutshell, CBD oil or hemp oil contains the benefits of the cannabis plant without the potential drawbacks of psychoactive compounds typically found from inhalation or other methods of consumption.
Cannabidiol (CBD) Benefits & Uses for Pain, Inflammation, Epilepsy & More
CBD oil is a great remedy for a lot of different ailments. Here are some of the amazing uses people (and medical research) report for CBD oil:
1. Relief for Chronic Pain
Those suffering from chronic pain from diseases like fibromyalgia are finding relief with CBD. Taking CBD can reduce chronic pain and can even prevent nervous system degeneration. In fact, it has been approved in Canada for multiple sclerosis and cancer pain.
What’s really amazing is that CBD doesn’t cause dependence or tolerance, so it’s a great choice for those trying to stay away from opioids.
Other Remedies to Consider: Not into CBD? Research also shows that turmeric consumption and heat therapy (like sauna use) may be helpful as well. A low inflammation diet also seems to be helpful for some people.
2. Calms Childhood Epilepsy
CBD has anti-seizure properties that have been shown to successfully treat drug-resistant children who have epilepsy (with no side effects!). In one study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, CBD decreased frequency of seizures by 23 percentage points more than those taking a placebo.
Other Remedies to Consider: Childhood epilepsy is a serious condition and it is important to work with a qualified practitioner with a specialty in this area. Emerging research also shows that a ketogenic diet can be very helpful for drug resistant epilepsy, especially in children.
3. Reduces Anxiety and Depression
According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, depression affects 6% and anxiety affects 18% of the U.S. population each year. Research shows that CBD oil can help with both.
CBD has been shown to reduce levels of stress and anxiety in those suffering from conditions such as PTSD, social anxiety disorder, and obsessive compulsive disorder. CBD even reduced the stress and discomfort surrounding public speaking.
Though a B12 deficiency may also be to blame, CBD has been shown to reduce depression by enhancing both serotonergic and glutamate cortical signaling (both are lacking in those with depression).
Other Remedies to Consider: Dr Kelly Brogan provides a lot of helpful information for anxiety and depression in this podcast episode. Vitamin B12 is also linked to mental health and it may be helpful to work with someone experienced in optimizing levels of B12.
4. Fights Multi-Drug Resistant Bacteria
Researchers discovered that cannabinoids (including CBD) have an unusual ability to destroy bacteria (especially drug-resistant strains). More research is needed to find out how and why it works.
A 2011 study found that CBD can also slow the progression of tuberculosis in rats. Researchers concluded that CBD likely does this by inhibiting T-cell proliferation, rather than possessing antibacterial properties.
Whatever the mechanism is for destroying bacteria, CBD seems to be a potent weapon against the antibiotic resistant “superbugs” that are becoming more and more of a problem today.
Other Remedies to Consider: Don’t want to try cannabidiol? There is also research on using garlic, honey and oregano oil for drug resistant strains, but work with a practitioner experienced in infectious disease.
5.Reduces Inflammation
Chronic inflammation is a huge problem in our society that contributes to many non-infectious diseases including heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, autoimmune disease, and more, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information.
Diet and lifestyle play a huge part in chronic inflammation but when folks are already eating a healthy, nutrient-dense diet and optimizing their lifestyle (getting enough sleep and exercise for example), CBD oil can help. Research also shows that CBD oil can reduce chronic inflammation that leads to disease.
Other Remedies to Consider: Research agrees that it is important to address gut health to manage inflammation. Removing refined sugar from the diet has also been shown to reduce inflammation in as little as a week.
6. Reduces Oxidative Stress
Oxidative stress is responsible for many ailments today. Oxidative stress is when the body has too many free radicals and can’t keep up with neutralizing them (with antioxidants). This is more of a problem now than in the past because our environment is so much more toxic than it once was. A 2010 study shows that CBD oil acts as an antioxidant and another study found CBD has neuroprotective qualities. So CBD can reduce neurological damage caused by free radicals.”
You may have seen hemp oil while shopping at the local health food store. But it is good to note that hemp oil and CBD oil are not exactly the same either. To find out the difference and to find out the remaining 11 benefits of CBD oil, you can read the rest of the blog post over on the Wellness Mama blog at the link below:
Photo By terrymuckins