By mass, aluminum makes up about 8% of the Earth’s crust; it is the third most abundant element after oxygen and silicon. When you hear the word aluminum usually what comes to mind is a soda can. But aluminum is used in many products and industries including transpiration, construction, house-hold items, coin, and musical instruments to name a few.
In recent year years the use of aluminum in food packaging and other house hold items such as anti-antiperspirants has led to concerns about it’s health implications. While aluminum is not as toxic as other heavy metals there is a good bit of growing evidence linking it’s use to disease’s of the brain such as Alzeimer’s disease.
Of course common sense would tell you to avoid aluminum as much as possible but if you are worried about previous exposure there are several types of store bought waters you can drink that may be effective at removing aluminum that may have accumulated in the brain. This article from Healthy Holistic Living goes into more detail about aluminum, it’s health effects, and the naturally occuring element in some water’s that can remove it from your body:
“3 Mineral Waters That Can Remove Aluminum from the Brain
The list of studies on aluminum and its (often negative) effects on human health is growing. Many people believe it to cause muscle weakness, lung problems, Alzheimer’s disease, and more. It’s the most abundant metal in the earth’s crust, however, and found in what seems like everything.[1,2] So, what can we do to protect ourselves and each other from the potential dangers of aluminum toxicity?
Silicic acid may be able to help.
Aluminum: How it Affects the Human Body
Before we get into what this metal does, it’s important to note that we cannot destroy it. We can only affect aluminum in such a way that changes its form and thus its weight and strength.[2] So what it comes down to is preventing our everyday exposure to aluminum.
The way aluminum can enter the bloodstream is through ingestion, inhalation, and skin contact. Although, when you do come into contact with it, it typically isn’t harmful.[2] When it does become a cause for concern is when you’re regularly exposed to high levels such as a factory worker whose working conditions are filled with aluminum dust.
While the average person doesn’t suffer exposure to that extent or that directly, we’re exposed to aluminum far more than you think. People tend to limit their understanding of aluminum exposure to diet (i.e., the metal levels in food). But you can also find traces of aluminum many things, including:[2]
- Beverage cans
- Pots and pans
- Airplanes
- Siding and roofing
- Fireworks
- Antacids (e.g., in medicines)
- Astringents (e.g., in skin care products)
- Buffered aspirin
- Food additives
- Antiperspirants
- Cosmetics
Bioaccumulation refers to how pollutants enter a food chain. This is a great concern to certain scientists because it suggests that once even a small concentration of, for example, aluminum enters the environment, it can find its way into organisms at high enough dosages and cause problems.[3]
According to one source, aluminum doesn’t bioaccumulate to a great degree cow’s milk, beef tissue, nor aquatic organisms due to its high toxicity, which doesn’t allow for bioaccumulation to occur.[4]”
So where does aluminum accumulate the most, who is at the biggest risk for aluminum bio-accumulation, and what chemical can detoxify the brain from aluminum? These questions are answered on the rest of this interesting post which you can check out on Health Holistic Living.
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Photo By suttonhoo