Back pain is one of the more common complaints as we get older. And once you injure your back, unfortunately, it is never the same. Whether you have sciatica, bulging/herniated disc, or other back injury, many times the best treatment option can be physical therapy to strengthen the back. Of course, physical therapy isn’t cheap. So, in this article from the Natural Holistic Health website, they share some exercises you can do at home to get your back feeling better:
“Effective Exercises for Back PainExercise is very important on so many levels.
Proper alignment of the head over the shoulders, over the hips, over the knees, or over the feet, is imperative in maintaining a pain-free body. Firm abdominal muscles help to keep the back straight and strong.
Bad posture habits can lock your muscles into positions you are not even aware your body is taking which can put unwanted strain on the lower back.
Bad posture habits can lock your muscles into positions you are not even aware your body is taking which can put unwanted strain on the lower back.
How Exercise Can Help Back Pain
Exercise conditioning and stretching can improve certain pains with stretching such as painful, stiff muscles and joints by increasing blood flow to these areas.
Weight bearing exercises are beneficial for improving strength and bone density. Restoring movement and normal function to an injured area are critical. Learn to stretch to improve your flexibility.
Exercise increases the output of endorphins, which are hormones your body produces to fight pain.
Serotonin is a hormone that assists the flexibility of our blood vessels. Exercise increases the brain’s supply of serotonin. This is important because when blood vessels are flexible, they are less likely to cause pain or irritation. Serotonin also improves mood, helps regulate sleep cycles and fights the pain response in the brain. It fights pain by blocking the brain’s perception of pain.
Estrogen, the sex hormone that can interfere with serotonin, is stabilized with exercise.
Exercise should include cardiovascular aerobic activity 3- 4 times weekly. Weight bearing exercise for 30 minutes to strengthen and maintain bone and muscle mass.
Exercise that promotes endurance (aerobic exercise such as brisk walking, bicycling, and jogging) or muscle strength (resistance training with free weights or weight machines) helps prevent coronary artery disease. People who are out of shape or who have not exercised in a long time should consult their doctor before they start an exercise program.
Properly stretch and warm up before placing any physical demands on your body and pay attention to what your body is telling you. Stop exercising before you feel pain or discomfort.
Your doctor can provide a safe and effective exercise plan based on your needs.
Be careful not to over-exercise! Weekend warriors also have a tendency to “push” too hard to make up for the time they have not exercised during the week. The two MOST BENEFICIAL exercises you can do to strengthen your back and relieve pain are the BACK STRENGTHENER and ABDOMINAL WORK.
Exercise: The Back Strengthener
Do this exercise up to 4 times a day.
Lay on the floor, stomach down. Slowly lengthen out the spine as you raise one arm and the opposite leg. Exhale as you raise up into an arch. Hold this as your take two deep breaths. Slowly release back to the floor. Inhale, as your raise up the other arm and opposite leg, exhale.
Hold this arch again for two deep breaths. Lower down. Inhale. Then raise both arms, leaving both feet on the floor. Exhale. Hold the arch as you take two deep breaths. Slowly lower down. Inhale.
Raise both feet off the ground, leaving both arms on the floor. Exhale. Hold the arch for two deep breaths. Slowly lower down. Inhale. Lastly, raise both arms and both legs off the floor. Exhale. Hold this full arch for two deep breaths. Slowly lower down. Inhale. Repeat entire sequence one more time.
This exercise should flow easily with the breath. (Always feel the energy pulling out in both directions from the top of the head and hands and out the bottom of the feet.) Try to arch up further each time. This amazing exercise will relieve back pain!
Exercise for Abdominal Work
Ab work can be done on a daily basis. By strengthening the abdominal wall you are helping to support the lower back. 300, 400, 500 situps are not only a waste of time but allows for that many more attempts to injure yourself. It is the quality not the quantity of sit ups that makes all the difference. SLOW and controlled is the most powerful approach. Stretching a sore back will actually enhance the healing process.
One good stretch for lower back pain is to gently bring your knees up to your chest. Once there, put a little pressure on your knees. Stretch, then relax. Repeat. Stretching will help the muscle calm down sooner than just waiting for it to calm down on its own.”
The article continues to provide options for treating sciatica as well as treating inflammation, joint pain, and stiffness. Finish the article over on the Natural Holistic Health website by clicking the link below:
Image courtesy of: bastamanography