Treating or managing a chronic anxiety problem is a full time job. And, if you rely on traditional treatment such as anxiety medications, it can be a rabbit hole that leads to a worse place than where you started. There are simple common sense ways to deal with your anxiety. However, these can be overlooked many times because the anxiety can clouds judgment and impair one’s ability to think rationally.
Of course, proper nutrition and vitamin supplementation, can many types significantly help in some cases as it provides the body with the necessary energy to mentally handle the stress and anxiety that one is experiencing. After that, there are some other common sense ways to try to deal with anxiety without completely relying on medication. This recent blog post form Medterra CBD, they go over 10 tips to help you recover from panic attacks:
“10 Tips to Recover From Panic Attacks
1. Get educated
“Fight or flight” is your body’s natural defense to danger. Panic happens when your body’s flight or fight system goes into overdrive. It’s scary. But you can gain control over your reactions when you understand the causes of your anxious feelings and correctly interpret your body’s reactions to stress. Although panic attacks are scary, they are not heart attacks. They are not life-threatening.
2. Learn the three step process that treats panic disorder
First, you receive education about anxiety and panic disorder. Next, you learn breathing and thinking skills to help you confront the situations that cause anxiety. Finally, you will work with your therapist to slowly expose yourself to the panic sensations in your body and situations that cause them.
3. Stop avoiding your fears
Panic disorder gets worse when you avoid the things you fear. Avoidance may give immediate relief, but it can also make the situation worse in the long run. When you avoid things you fear, your body and your mind cannot learn to correctly assess the feelings you get when you have a panic attack. The sensations are part of the fight or flight system; they are not harmful.
4. Change your breathing pattern
Many people with panic disorder tend to hyperventilate. You may be breathing short shallow breaths throughout the day, which makes it easy to then feel panicky. Learning to breathe properly throughout the day and while having a panic attack can help reduce physical sensations of anxiety and panic.”
Some of these techniques may not sound that effective on there own. But when combined with other techniques collectively they can make a significant reduction in symptoms. You can find the other 6 tips for panic attacks over on the blog post at MedterraCBD.
Photo By nate steiner